Thank you for your interest in the Global Outreach & Leadership Development (GOLD) program run by International Praise Centre Baptist Church, also known as IPC London, in London, United Kingdom. Please fill out the application form below to apply for the program. Kindly note that this opportunity is open only to individuals who identify as Christians.


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Personal Details


Next of Kin

Name of next of kin or emergency contact person



Name of referee 1
Address of referee 1
Name of referee 2
Address of referee 2

Application Questionnaire

Section 1: Abilities

I am able to live and work in a foreign country for a year.
I am able to work with others effectively.
I am able to lead and motivate others.
How effective are you at managing your time and meeting deadlines?
How motivated are you to complete your tasks and achieve your goals, even when faced with difficult challenges or obstacles?
Adaptability: How easily can you adapt to new situations, tasks, and technologies?

Section 2: Leadership Abilities

Given a scenario where a team member is underperforming, I would...(select one)
In a group project, I would...(select one)
How well do you handle conflict?

Section 3: Understanding of Biblical Concepts and Teachings

Which of the following accurately describes the doctrine of the trinity?
What is the difference between predestination and election?
What is Baptism and what does it refer to?

Section 4: Communication Skills and Empathy

Imagine you have a coworker who is going through a difficult time. You notice her performance at work has been affected and you notice that she seems to be more withdrawn than usual. What would you do?
How would you respond in a situation where a teammate is struggling with a personal issue?
How well do you communicate your ideas, needs, and goals to others?

Section 5: General Character

I am able to work well under pressure.
I am able to make good decisions in difficult situations.
I am empathetic to others' needs.
I am willing to learn from others, even if it means admitting I am wrong.

Section 6: Additional Information

How committed are you to completing tasks on time and to a high standard, regardless of the challenges you face?
Ability to handle stress: How well can you respond to stressful situations and navigate obstacles without becoming overwhelmed?
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